
Founded: 1903
Status: NGO
Regn No: 20 (Registrar of Associations)
CSR No: N/1072

ARYA SABHA MAURITIUS (ASM) is an apex institution of the Arya Samaj movement in Mauritius. 400 Arya Samaj branches & 247 centres across the island closely monitored by the AGM, Managing Committee, 9 Parishads (Federation of Arya Samaj branches in each district), 44 Sub-committees to closely look into the operation of the different institutions and activities of the ASM comprising the propagation of Vedas (Vedic teachings with the participation of all the sectors of society such as the youth wing, women, senior citizens, children etc).

Mission & Vision

“The prime object of this society is to do good to the whole world that is – to improve the physical, spiritual and social standards of all“.

The Sabha promotes equity as one of its core values and its activities in the field of education and social service which serve the whole Mauritian population irrespective of colour, creed or religion.

Core activities:

  1. Social service (running of residential care homes, alleviation of sufferings, sensitisation campaigns against social evils …etc.);
  2. Education (formal & informal) with focus on citizenship education (human / moral / spiritual values & personality development.)